How to Rank #1 on Facebook’s Local Directory
In order to compete with Yelp, Foursquare, and Google Places – Facebook has launched its own local directory and local marketing services. This move has been getting a lot of press, and small business owners are taking notice:

Right now, you have a huge opportunity to get mass exposure on Facebook’s “Nearby Business” listings. This feature is still new enough that most business owners don’t even know it exists.
In fact, most digital marketing companies don’t even know about it. They are still talking about posting to Facebook pages and paying for ads on Facebook (That’s SO 2016!).
Major opportunity to bring more foot traffic and phone calls to your business is YOURS for the taking!
There are 3 major elements at play:
#1 Facebook Nearby Places Directory
Facebook has created a mobile directory similar to Yelp that shows users nearby restaurants, coffee shops, gift shops, and anything else that a user might want right on their mobile device:

This is fast becoming THE go-to way for patrons to find restaurants, hair salons, bars, and many other ‘in the moment’ businesses. These are customers who are READY to walk in and do business; there is NO hotter prospect for you as a business owner!
We know the exact formula to get you at the top of this list and we’ve done it time and time again for clients all over the country.

Being the first thing a user sees in your area… This sends customers in droves, and will continue to grow as more and more people use this service.
#2 Location-Based Push Notifications
Facebook has also introduced a system that allows you to reach out to people who are nearby your location with a special offer.
Anytime a customer is within range of your establishment, they will see your special offer right on top of their mobile newsfeed:

Imagine: A potential customer walks or drives by your shop… And instantly gets notified about a special offer.
This can DOUBLE walk-in traffic overnight.
#3 Local Business Check-in
Like Foursquare and Yelp, Facebook has introduced a check-in system where customers can check into a location and share it with their friends.
When a customer checks-in using the Facebook app on their phone, they get subscribed to your business’ page, and receive regular updates and promotions. This is the fastest way to turn every customer into a repeat customer, growing your business. (PLUS: When a customer checks-in, their Facebook friends see it on their news feed, providing social proof and free advertising.)
Getting customers to check-into your location is a big factor in ranking your business in Facebook’s directory, so we’ve developed a system that (when executed the right way) gets 70% of customers pulling out their phone and checking in on Facebook local.
I stole this secret from a coffee shop experience I had:
- I wanted coffee one morning, so I went on Facebook Nearby to find a coffee shop.
- As I walked into the shop, I recieved a notice on my phone about a special deal they had going on for lunch.
- While ordering my coffee, I noticed a sign that offered to upgrade my order for free IF I check-in on Facebook (Naturally I did… Can’t say no to free coffee).
- When I checked my Facebook an hour later, I noticed many of my friends saw that I had gone there and were commenting about how much they loved the place. (Sneaky way to get free advertising)
I immediately decided to steal this campaign for my own local clients and they LOVED IT:

Using this campaign the right way can be life changing.
Restaurants, coffee shops, bakeries, bars, and nightlife spots have brought in thousands of dollars a night by sending the right offer to people walking by their location (who normally wouldn’t have even considered walking into their place).
Ready to Unleash the Power of Facebook Local on Your Business?
Fill out this short form now and we’ll get in touch.